COMPUTER QUIZ-1 Leave a Comment / By Priksha Prep / June 26, 2023 2 COMPUTER QUIZ-1 1 / 10 1. What are the columns in a Microsoft Access table called? A. Rows B. Records C. Fields D. Columns 2 / 10 2. Microsoft Access is a ..........? A. RDBMS B. OODBMS C. ORDBMSM D. Network Database Model 3 / 10 3. Which of the following is not an operating system? A. Unix B. Linux C. Window D. Java 4 / 10 4. In a URL, WWW stands for? A. Web World Wide B. World Wide Web C. Wide World Web D. World Whole Web 5 / 10 5. In MS-Word, Ctrl+S is for.....? A. Delete B. Save C. Size D. Spelling Check 6 / 10 6. In MS-Word, which operation you will perform, if you need to move a block of text in the document? A. Copy and Paste B. Paste and Cut C. Cut and Paste D. Paste and Delete 7 / 10 7. In MS-Word Ctrl+P shortcut key is used for? A. Deleting the document B. Saving the document C. Printing the document D. Mailing the document 8 / 10 8. Spread Sheets are created in? A. MS Word B. MS Powerpoint C. MS Excel D. MS Access 9 / 10 9. Expansion of DOM is- A. Document Oriented Model B. Document Object Model C. Directry Object Model D. Document Ordinary Model 10 / 10 10. What is the name of first super computer of India? A. ENIAC B. Saga 220 C. PARAM 8000 D. Paste and Delete Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte Restart quiz