Psychology Quiz 12

1 / 10

8. Which of the following theory of intelligence was given by Howard Gardner?

2 / 10

7. The factor "g" in Spearmen definition of intelligence stands for-

3 / 10

6. A five year old child's mental age is 6 years. Then his I.Q. will be

4 / 10

5. The teacher told Reeta that she is not allowed to participate in games period as she has not completed her home work. It is an example of-

5 / 10

4. According to Freud which component of personality workd on the "pleasure principle"?

6 / 10

3. "Out of the box thinking" is related to-

7 / 10

2. Who propounded the theory of "trial and error"?

8 / 10

  1. Name the theory which advocates sudden solution ton the problem.

9 / 10

9. According to Gates, modification of behavior through experience.

10 / 10

10. Child centered education was advocated by which of the following thinkers?

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